Locomotives DB (Germany)
Electric Locomotives
The red and cream class 120 was produced since 1984 and had a metal chassis and cardanic drive. It can be seen as a predecessor of the Lima Nova range and is therefore also shown here.
20 8289 DB E03 004
20 8142 DB 120 140-9
20 8412 DB 127 001-6
ICE-T "Millennium"
This 3-piece train set was produced in a limited edition of 2000 pieces with certificate in the year 2000 and sold under the brand name "Good Play" only through the mail order store Quelle in Germany. The Train has all attributes of the actual Nova-model, although the cheaper body castings of the similar starter set model with painted on windows was used. the end trailers had 2000 printed on on one side and 2001 on the other.
ICE "Millennium" Power Car
ICE "Millennium" Restaurant Car
ICE "Millennium" Dummy