The Early Years
The following models have been manufactured in the beginning of model railway production of Lima in the early 1950īs. According to their age these models lack a lot of detail. Axle bearings and bogies of the wagons and coaches were made of tin. Couplings were very simple, just a hook and loop. Only the covered wagon was a quite good model and produced until 1971. The underframe was altered over the years. The Z936-Steam Engine and the rest of the rolling stock has been replaced by better models in the early 1960īs. These early Lima trains are hard to get, but despite this, still affordable.
2001 Steam Engine Z936 without Tender
2001 Steam Engine Z936 with Tender
Short Coach without inscriptions
Short Coach lettered FS Italia
2002 Blue Coach with red roof
2002 Green Coach with yellow roof
2002 FS Italia Express Coach
Military Luggage Van
2007 Open Wagon brown
2007 Open Wagon green
2006 Open Wagon with Wood Load
Open Wagon with Tank load
Open Wagon with Tank load
Open Wagon with Tank load
2008 Covered Wagon
2008 Refrigerator
2014 Tender for Z936